Love your current frame but the lenses gotta go? New Rx or Scratched Lenses, It's always nice to have new clear lenses! We can replace lenses in any frame. If you don't know the type of lenses you have now, just send them in and we will copy the type and Rx.
1) Complete the order here or from our Regular Rx Lens Section and print the email confirmation.
2) Mail your frame with the old lenses still in them along with the email confirmation and we will take it from there. Our mailing address: Eyeglass.com 14650 Mossy Hammock Lane - Myakka City FL 43251 or Just call 800-808-0895 and we'll handle it over the phone. Sorry, we can't be responsible for broken frames. Occasionally, in a blue moon, the lab breaks an old frame (especially vintage) inserting the new lenses.